Dangers of Wearing Cheap Sunglasses

When it comes to sunglasses, choosing a brand name or buying from your optometrist in Champaign, IL is the better choice. While sunglasses are a necessity to protect your eyes from UV rays, not all of them offer the same level of protection. Wearing cheap sunglasses poses more dangers than you may realize.

Insufficient UV Protection

The number one purpose of sunglasses is to shield your eyes from the effects of UV rays, which come from the sun. Cheap sunglasses often lack sufficient UV protection, which is applied to lenses with a special coating. It makes sense when you understand that the thicker the coating, the more UV protection is created. But the more coating layers, the more cost to the manufacturer. So it stands to reason that cheap sunglasses will have only the bare minimum in UV coating.

False Sense of Security

When you buy a pair of sunglasses, you may think that darker lenses offer more protection. However, without proper UV coating, these lenses can be more harmful than not wearing sunglasses at all. Dark lenses cause your pupils to dilate, increasing the amount of UV light that enters your eyes. This false sense of security can lead to greater exposure to harmful rays, increasing the potential for eye damage.

Poor Lens Quality

Cheap sunglasses usually have the lowest quality of lenses, which can distort vision. Poor lens quality can cause eye strain, headaches, and blurred vision. These issues can be particularly problematic when driving or engaging in activities that require clear vision. Distorted lenses can even lead to accidents and injuries due to impaired depth perception and reduction in visual clarity.

For a great selection of quality sunglasses in Champaign, IL, visit Champaign Eye Professionals. And remember, you can even get prescription sunglasses so that all your vision needs are met.

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