When Should I Be Concerned About Flashes in My Eyes?

Flashing lights in your eyes can happen for any number of reasons, and not all of them require any type of medical intervention. You should be concerned about the frequency and the types of flashing. Learn more about the potential culprits and how the right optometrist in Champaign, IL, can help you treat the issues.

Normal Vs. Abnormal

Your eye is held in a circular shape with the help of virtuous gel. Should that gel change at any point, which is a relatively normal occurrence, you may see either an eye flash or what’s known as a floater. Sometimes, the changes are due to conditions like near-sightedness or recent eye surgery. If the gel changes consistency over time, it will eventually start to separate from the retina. Again, this part is nothing to worry about.

The situation starts to get a little less straightforward when the gel doesn’t separate from the retina. This is more likely to happen when the gel is firmly attached to the side of the eyeball and, in the worst-case scenarios, may result in a tear in the retina if you’re experiencing a lot of flashing, particularly if the flashes look like intense brights spots or cosmic events (e.g., shooting stars, etc.). If you’re getting repeated flashes within a few seconds of each other, that could be a sign of a tear.

Treating Eye Flashes in Champaign

Eye flashes in Champaign, IL, may be the result of little more than the gel in your eye shifting around. However, if the intensity of frequency has been increasing, it might be time for a comprehensive eye exam. At Champaign Eye Professionals, our staff can help you determine the root cause so you can address it before any further damage occurs.

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