How Screens Impact Eye Health

Modern life has given the world tremendous advantages, but increased screen time isn’t one of them. It’s still too early to definitively tell the long-term effects of humans looking at screens so much; we might not have any answers for many decades to come. But we already know the short-term effects and your optometrist in Champaign, IL wants you to be aware of the risks. No one expects you to quit all screens. But it’s important to know how screens can impact eye health.

Digital Eye Strain

Prolonged focus on screens can lead to digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms include eye fatigue, blurred vision, headaches and difficulty focusing. These occur because extended screen use reduces blink rates, causing the eyes to dry out and work harder to maintain focus.

Blue Light Exposure

Many screens emit invisible blue light, a high-energy wavelength that can disrupt natural sleep cycles, especially when exposure occurs at night. Extended exposure to this light may also lead to more frequent eye fatigue during daily activities.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Digital devices contribute to dryness in the eyes because users blink less often when focusing on a screen. This reduction in blinking leads to decreased tear production and evaporation of moisture from the eye’s surface. Over time, this can cause irritation, redness and discomfort.

Myopia Progression

Research suggests that extensive screen time, especially among children, is associated with an increased risk of developing nearsightedness (myopia). Spending long periods focusing on nearby screens limits exposure to natural light and may alter the development of the eye, leading to myopia progression.

Reduced Visual Performance

Long-term screen use can impair the ability to focus or adjust between different viewing distances. This can result in lingering discomfort, particularly in environments that demand high visual acuity, such as reading fine print or working on detailed tasks.

These impacts emphasize the importance of balancing screen time with other activities to maintain optimal eye health. For help with any of the symptoms associated with excess screen time, including dry eye syndrome in Champaign, IL, contact us today.

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