How Screens Impact Eye Health

Modern life has given the world tremendous advantages, but increased screen time isn’t one of them. It’s still too early to definitively tell the long-term effects of humans looking at screens so much; we might not have any answers for many decades to come. But we already know the short-term effects and your optometrist in Champaign, IL wants you to be aware of the risks. No one expects you to quit all screens. But it’s important to know how screens can impact eye health.

Digital Eye Strain

Prolonged focus on screens can lead to digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms include eye fatigue, blurred vision, headaches and difficulty focusing. These occur because extended screen use reduces blink rates, causing the eyes to dry out and work harder to maintain focus.

Blue Light Exposure

Many screens emit invisible blue light, a high-energy wavelength that can disrupt natural sleep cycles, especially when exposure occurs at night. Extended exposure to this light may also lead to more frequent eye fatigue during daily activities.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Digital devices contribute to dryness in the eyes because users blink less often when focusing on a screen. This reduction in blinking leads to decreased tear production and evaporation of moisture from the eye’s surface. Over time, this can cause irritation, redness and discomfort.

Myopia Progression

Research suggests that extensive screen time, especially among children, is associated with an increased risk of developing nearsightedness (myopia). Spending long periods focusing on nearby screens limits exposure to natural light and may alter the development of the eye, leading to myopia progression.

Reduced Visual Performance

Long-term screen use can impair the ability to focus or adjust between different viewing distances. This can result in lingering discomfort, particularly in environments that demand high visual acuity, such as reading fine print or working on detailed tasks.

These impacts emphasize the importance of balancing screen time with other activities to maintain optimal eye health. For help with any of the symptoms associated with excess screen time, including dry eye syndrome in Champaign, IL, contact us today.

3 Benefits of Optilight 

Optilight is a device that’s used to treat dry eye disease. It essentially delivers light pulses to the eyes, which warms your meibomian gland to increase tear production. Below, we’ll look at how the device works and its three key benefits.

1. Improve the Quality of Your Tears 

Your tears rely on oil to lubricate the eye and prevent it from drying out. With Optlight, the device gently warms the oil in your glands located on the edges of your eyelids, giving it a chance to mix with the water and saline produced by your tears. If you find your eyes constantly watering without ever actually feeling any relief, chances are you have meibomian gland dysfunction (also known as the most common reason for dry eye in Champaign, IL).

2. Clean Your Eyes 

Your eyes can be a magnet for mites, bacteria, and grit. With the Optlight, the sessions can clean out your eyes from all the visible and invisible gunk.

3. Decrease Inflammation

If you have Inflammation around your eyes, whether from lack of sleep or chronic dry eyes, the Optilight can help you target the problem areas and cut down on the irritation.

Find an Eye Doctor in Champaign, IL 

There are a number of home-made remedies to treat dry eyes. Anything from a warm compress to an over-the-counter dry eye mask can help you break up the oil in your meibomian gland. The difference between these remedies and the Optilight is that it’s a far more targeted procedure, which may be the best decision you can make if you have a stubborn case of dry eyes. If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Champaign, IL that can schedule you for the service, contact the team at Champaign Eye Professionals today!

Do Your Eyes Need the Vitamin D from Sunlight?

Throwing on your sunglasses is a habit for most people, one that can be as important to their outfit choice as it is to shield their eyes from the glare. However, you may have also heard that your eyes need the sun to maintain optimal visual health. Below, we’ll look at how Vitamin D impacts your eyes and what you can do to strike the best balance.

Vitamin D and Eye Health

Vitamin D, whether it comes from the sun or supplements, is good for your visual health. It’s associated with reduced risk of everything from glaucoma to cataracts to age-related blindness.It may even help younger people with their distance vision, particularly teenagers. Plus, eye doctors in Champaign, IL will tell you that Vitamin D strengthens your bones, supports your immune system, and helps you keep on a good sleep schedule.

Do I Need Sunglasses in Champaign, IL?

Yes, you’ll still need to wear sunglasses. While the Vitamin D from the sunshine is great for your eyes, the dangers of the UV rays can unfortunately cancel out the benefits of Vitamin D. This is where some people may need to perform more of a balancing act than others.

For instance, if you have a history of sun cancer in the family, you may not want to leave your eyes exposed to the sun for too long (because you can’t use sunscreen on your eyelids). However, for most people, it pays to give your eyes short breaks from sunglasses (or to at least start to take Vitamin D supplements if they’re in short supply.

If you’re looking for either regular or prescription sunglasses in Champaign, IL, the team at Champaign Eye Professionals can help you find a style that can protect your eyes from the worst of the sun’s glint.

What Is Temporary Blindness?

Temporary blindness is a more common condition than you might think. Consider how you might lose your vision for a few seconds if you get up too quickly, only to have it return in the blink of an eye. Of course, temporary blindness covers a range of issues, so it helps to be aware of what they are and when it’s time to seek medical attention.

Temporary blindness refers to any vision loss in either one or both of your eyes. Temporary blindness shouldn’t last for more than a few minutes before you regain full visual abilities. An eye doctor in Champaign, IL will tell you that even if it doesn’t happen very often, you should keep track of any patterns you notice for either eye.

What Causes Temporary Blindness?

Temporary blindness is often caused by an issue with your blood vessels. If there’s any blockage to the blood flow, it can disrupt the retina’s ability to see. Blockages can be caused by anything from high blood pressure, blood clots, or plaque build-up. Another common reason you might lose your sight is due to migraines, which can cause partial or total vision loss due to a constriction of your blood vessels.

When to Talk to an Eye Doctor in Champaign, IL 

The most common reason to talk to your eye doctor is if you’re having recurrent, unexplained episodes of temporary blindness, or if it’s accompanied by other severe symptoms like ongoing dizziness. If you’re looking for a comprehensive eye exam in Champaign, IL, the team at Champaign Eye Professionals can help you pinpoint what’s causing the problem and what you can do to prevent it.

What You Should Know About Cross-Eyes

Cross eyes, known as strabismus in the medical community, isn’t an extremely common condition, but it does affect up to 5% of the population. While usually associated with children under the age of six, it can technically affect adults as well. We’ll look at what you should know about this disorder, and how a comprehensive eye exam in Champaign, IL may be able to help alleviate its ill effects.

Eyes Can Point in Any Direction

Cross eyes technically refer to any alignment issues, meaning that instead of both eyes looking at one object, one eye may turn up, down, left, or right. The types of cross-eyed conditions are differentiated by how the eye is pointed. However, the most common version of cross-eye, where both eyes look inward, is called esotropia.

Cross Eyes Are Often Caused by Muscle or Nerve Disorders

Cross-eye usually stems from issues with the eye muscles and the nerves controlling eye movement, though brain abnormalities or medical conditions can also be underlying causes. If an adult or child has cross-eyes, they often have double vision, poor depth perception, and even vision loss in one eye (known as lazy eye).

Cross Eyes Can Be Treated in Champaign, IL

Cross eyes sometimes correct themselves on their own. Other times, they’ll need intervention from an eye doctor in Champaign, IL. You can find non-surgical ways to treat cross eyes from glasses to eye exercises to vision therapy. If these treatments fail to correct the issue, there are also surgeries that can correct the eyes muscles (though this is a last resort for medical professionals). If you have questions about your or your child’s condition, the team at Champaign Eye Professionals can help you figure out the next steps!

3 Things to Know About Your Optic Nerves

Your eyes may be one of your most important organs, but that doesn’t mean everyone understands exactly how they work. They often only become a topic of conversation if something goes wrong. However, it can help for everyone to do a little research into some of the most important components of the eye if only to have a better handle on how to take care of them. Below, we look at a few key facts about the optic nerve.

1. The Optic Nerve Tells You What You See

Your eyes may see what’s in front of you, but it’s your brain that’s interpreting the images. In order to receive information from the eyes, the brain relies on the optic nerve to pick up and process the data.

2. Damage to the Optic Nerve Is a Major Issue

Damaging the optic nerve can lead to partial or total vision loss, which is why it’s so important for eye doctors in Champaign, IL to keep an eye on its health and any changes it might undergo over the years. Unfortunately, damage to the nerves can occur in multiple ways, including brain tumors and eye disease.

3. Visiting the Right Optometrist in Champaign Can Help

The optic nerve starts at the back of the eye and then heads through the optic canal into the brain. At an eye exam in Champaign, IL, the doctor can perform special tests to assess the health of the optic nerve so you can catch problems in their infancy rather than having a potential emergency.

If you’ve put off an eye exam for longer than a year or you’ve noticed any changes to your vision, contact Champaign Professionals to make an appointment.

Common Eye Care Myths Debunked

There are common eye care myths most people have believed to be true their entire lives. Well, that stops here and now. Your optometrist in Champaign, IL, is about to blow these myths right out of the water for you.

Myth #1 – All Babies Are Born with Blue Eyes

This is part true and false. When babies are born, their eyes can appear to be blue. But that’s just because the melanin in their eyes is still developing. As they grow through the first year, the cells in their iris will begin to make melanin. And this could cause their eyes to darken.

Myth #2 – Eating Carrots Will Improve Your Eyesight

Eating carrots is good for your eyes. Your eyes need Vitamin A to remain healthy. But eating more carrots won’t actually improve your eyesight.

Myth #3 – If You Cross Your Eyes, They Can Get Stuck That Way

Nope! This is a 100% myth! Ask any eye doctor in Champaign, IL, and they will tell you that crossing your eyes won’t make them stay in that position.

Myth #4 – Sitting Too Close to the TV Will Damage Your Eyes

Yeah, we know. Parents have been telling kids this forever. But it’s not true. Sitting too close to the TV might give you eye strain or a headache, but that’s it.

Myth #5 – Reading in Low Light Is Bad for Your Eyes

Yep! This is another myth. Reading in low light isn’t bad for your eyes. However, it will cause your eyes to tire out more quickly.

Looking for an Exceptional Optometrist in Champaign, IL?

The best way to keep your eyes healthy is to visit your eye doctor regularly. Please Contact Champaign Eye Professionals today to schedule a routine eye exam. We want to keep your eyes happy and healthy as much as you do (maybe more)!

Will Drug Store “Cheaters” Hurt My Eyes?

If you’re having trouble reading a book’s small print, or you have trouble choosing food from a restaurant menu in dim light, can inexpensive “cheaters” solve the problem without harming my eyes?

Champaign Eye Professionals in Champaign, Illinois, recommends that you schedule a thorough examination any time you feel your vision has changed. We can determine whether “readers” will help, or if you need corrective lenses or contacts. The ability to see clearly should always be your goal.

Don’t hesitate to ask us about all available options.

Let a Professional Evaluate Your Vision

Purchasing magnifiers can be beneficial for reading, or for close detailed work like sewing, but only an examination by a trained specialist can detect other eye conditions that can threaten your sight.

Inexpensive magnifiers are not always the best option for the continued health of your eyes. While they do reduce strain to some extent if used for short periods of time, they should not be viewed as a solution to what may be more serious vision defects.

A routine vision check is the best way to ensure that your eyes will serve you well throughout your lifetime. Your eye doctor relies on specialized training and modern technology to analyze your vision and look “inside” your eyes to make certain that the blood vessels, nerves, and tissues are functioning properly.

Schedule Routine Vision Screenings

During a comprehensive exam, your optometrist or ophthalmologist performs several tests to check your vision, assess the health of your eyes, and check for any issues that might signal eye disease. An eye exam can also pinpoint issues that relate to overall health.

Your eye doctor may dilate your eyes, and will routinely use specialized equipment and/or lights. Eye exams should not hurt, but some of the drops and diagnostic procedures may cause slight discomfort.

Are you ready to schedule a check-up? Get in touch now with Champaign Eye Professionals.

3 Benefits of Photochromatic Sunglasses

Wearing prescription sunglasses can be a bit of a hassle, particularly if you travel light. Not only are you usually going indoors and outside throughout the day, but the sun can dart in and out of clouds without much warning. Photochromatic sunglasses in Champaign, IL, change based on your eye’s exposure to light, and they can help you solve a few problems at once. We’ll look at the major benefits and where you can get a pair that fits your lifestyle. 

1. Convenient 

With photochromatic sunglasses there’s no need to carry around different sets of glasses or to have to keep switching back and forth if you’re constantly transitioning from inside to outside. If you’re used to foregoing sunglasses, this also means less eye strain throughout the day to adjust to the sun. 

2. Better Vision in Low Light 

It can be easy to keep your sunglasses on, even when the light starts to die. Photochromatic reduces the tint automatically, so you won’t have to worry about your vision even as the light changes. 

3. UV Protection 

The sun can be both good and bad for your eyes, but in general, you do need some degree of UV protection. With photochromatic sunglasses, the lenses immediately darken to protect your eyes from the rays. 

Find Photochromatic Prescription Sunglasses in Champaign

It’s worth noting that not all photochromatic sunglasses function the same way, so it helps to know what you can expect from each brand and lens before you buy. If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Champaign, IL, who can help you find the right sunglasses for your eyes, visit Champaign Eye Professionals for an evaluation. 

Does My Eye Doctor Need to Know the Supplements I’m Taking?

Vitamins and supplements have become a way of life for many people. These extras can help us get the extra nutrients we might not always get from our regular diets. Of course, if they’re sold over the counter, it’s easy to discount their importance (or even forget which ones you’re taking).

However, when you visit the doctor, whether it’s your primary doctor or your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, it’s essential to be upfront with them and to make a complete list of what you’re taking. We’ll look at why below.


When a food like grapefruit can interfere with cholesterol medications, you can imagine specific vitamins and supplements could do the same. If you’re given any type of prescription, supplements, and vitamins may either make the medicine less effective or lead to more severe side effects.

Better Recommendations 

The recommendations for vitamins and supplements should be considered generic advice for the average person. If you’re at risk for certain diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, you may need to adjust your dosage or eliminate certain types of vitamins.

Eye Doctors in Champaign, IL

When you take vitamins and supplements (as long as they’re purchased from a reputable supplier), you’re not taking tremendous risks. They may not always have the life-changing effects they often promise, but they also won’t necessarily hurt you either.

If you have questions about how to take them to reap the best benefits, a routine eye exam in Champaign, IL, can give you advice based on your individual eye health history. At Champaign Eye Professionals, our staff can evaluate the vitamins and supplements against the test results and help you make changes to ensure the best outcome.