3 Benefits of Optilight 

Optilight is a device that’s used to treat dry eye disease. It essentially delivers light pulses to the eyes, which warms your meibomian gland to increase tear production. Below, we’ll look at how the device works and its three key benefits.

1. Improve the Quality of Your Tears 

Your tears rely on oil to lubricate the eye and prevent it from drying out. With Optlight, the device gently warms the oil in your glands located on the edges of your eyelids, giving it a chance to mix with the water and saline produced by your tears. If you find your eyes constantly watering without ever actually feeling any relief, chances are you have meibomian gland dysfunction (also known as the most common reason for dry eye in Champaign, IL).

2. Clean Your Eyes 

Your eyes can be a magnet for mites, bacteria, and grit. With the Optlight, the sessions can clean out your eyes from all the visible and invisible gunk.

3. Decrease Inflammation

If you have Inflammation around your eyes, whether from lack of sleep or chronic dry eyes, the Optilight can help you target the problem areas and cut down on the irritation.

Find an Eye Doctor in Champaign, IL 

There are a number of home-made remedies to treat dry eyes. Anything from a warm compress to an over-the-counter dry eye mask can help you break up the oil in your meibomian gland. The difference between these remedies and the Optilight is that it’s a far more targeted procedure, which may be the best decision you can make if you have a stubborn case of dry eyes. If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Champaign, IL that can schedule you for the service, contact the team at Champaign Eye Professionals today!

Do Your Eyes Need the Vitamin D from Sunlight?

Throwing on your sunglasses is a habit for most people, one that can be as important to their outfit choice as it is to shield their eyes from the glare. However, you may have also heard that your eyes need the sun to maintain optimal visual health. Below, we’ll look at how Vitamin D impacts your eyes and what you can do to strike the best balance.

Vitamin D and Eye Health

Vitamin D, whether it comes from the sun or supplements, is good for your visual health. It’s associated with reduced risk of everything from glaucoma to cataracts to age-related blindness.It may even help younger people with their distance vision, particularly teenagers. Plus, eye doctors in Champaign, IL will tell you that Vitamin D strengthens your bones, supports your immune system, and helps you keep on a good sleep schedule.

Do I Need Sunglasses in Champaign, IL?

Yes, you’ll still need to wear sunglasses. While the Vitamin D from the sunshine is great for your eyes, the dangers of the UV rays can unfortunately cancel out the benefits of Vitamin D. This is where some people may need to perform more of a balancing act than others.

For instance, if you have a history of sun cancer in the family, you may not want to leave your eyes exposed to the sun for too long (because you can’t use sunscreen on your eyelids). However, for most people, it pays to give your eyes short breaks from sunglasses (or to at least start to take Vitamin D supplements if they’re in short supply.

If you’re looking for either regular or prescription sunglasses in Champaign, IL, the team at Champaign Eye Professionals can help you find a style that can protect your eyes from the worst of the sun’s glint.

What Is Temporary Blindness?

Temporary blindness is a more common condition than you might think. Consider how you might lose your vision for a few seconds if you get up too quickly, only to have it return in the blink of an eye. Of course, temporary blindness covers a range of issues, so it helps to be aware of what they are and when it’s time to seek medical attention.

Temporary blindness refers to any vision loss in either one or both of your eyes. Temporary blindness shouldn’t last for more than a few minutes before you regain full visual abilities. An eye doctor in Champaign, IL will tell you that even if it doesn’t happen very often, you should keep track of any patterns you notice for either eye.

What Causes Temporary Blindness?

Temporary blindness is often caused by an issue with your blood vessels. If there’s any blockage to the blood flow, it can disrupt the retina’s ability to see. Blockages can be caused by anything from high blood pressure, blood clots, or plaque build-up. Another common reason you might lose your sight is due to migraines, which can cause partial or total vision loss due to a constriction of your blood vessels.

When to Talk to an Eye Doctor in Champaign, IL 

The most common reason to talk to your eye doctor is if you’re having recurrent, unexplained episodes of temporary blindness, or if it’s accompanied by other severe symptoms like ongoing dizziness. If you’re looking for a comprehensive eye exam in Champaign, IL, the team at Champaign Eye Professionals can help you pinpoint what’s causing the problem and what you can do to prevent it.

Protecting Your Eyes With Diabetes

Did you know that diabetes can have a significant negative impact on your eyesight? Diabetes is a serious disease, and it increases the chances of you losing some or all of your vision. If you or a loved one has diabetes or even pre-diabetes, it’s important to be proactive about protecting your eyes. Don’t wait until something happens and you find yourself wishing you’d run to your optometrist in Champaign, IL sooner. Start today.

Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is one of the most effective ways to safeguard your eyes. High blood sugar can damage the tiny blood vessels in the retina, leading to conditions such as diabetic retinopathy. Consistently managing your diabetes through diet, exercise and medication, as instructed by your primary care physician may reduce this risk.

Schedule Regular Diabetic Eye Exams

Annual diabetic eye exams in Champaign, IL are crucial for individuals with diabetes. These exams allow your optometrist to detect early signs of diabetic eye diseases, such as swelling, leaking blood vessels or abnormal growths. Early detection enables timely treatment and helps prevent vision loss.

Tell Your Optometrist About Your Condition

Every time you visit an eye doctor, you need to speak up for yourself and let them know you have diabetes. This will alert them to your condition so they can be extra alert for the telltale signs that diabetes is damaging your eyes. Even if you’ve already mentioned it during past visits, don’t you think it makes sense to be doubly sure?

Wear Protective Eyewear

People with diabetes are more susceptible to eye infections and injuries. Wearing sunglasses with UV protection outdoors and safety glasses when engaging in hazardous activities can help shield your eyes from potential harm.

If you’d like more support in taking care of your eyes with diabetes, we’d be happy to help. Contact Champaign Eye Professionals today to book an eye exam.