Polycarbonate Vs. High-Index Lenses: Which Ones Are Right for You?

If you’re trying to settle on the best type of eyeglasses in Champaign, IL, for you, you might be more interested in what kind of frame will best fit the shape of your face.

However, before you start checking your wardrobe to see how well it matches the color of the exterior frame, you might want to consider which lenses will be best for your eyes. If you’re between polycarbonate or high-index lenses, we’ll look at what you should know.

How to Choose

Before deciding, keep the following in mind:

  • Prescription: In general, you’re better off choosing a high-index if your prescription is more severe, meaning anything above -5 and anything higher than +3. (This is usually the easiest way to choose.)
  • Weight: Polycarbonate is lighter than high-index, even if it’s actually slightly thicker than high-index lenses.
  • Clarity: In terms of how clear the lenses are, you might be surprised to learn that they’re about the same. High-index ranks as slightly better, but the difference is negligible for most people.
  • Safety: Polycarbonate is extremely durable, making it an excellent choice for children or for anyone wearing glasses while playing sports.
  • Upgrades: If there’s a new upgrade on the horizon, chances are you’ll be eligible for it if you get polycarbonate. If you think you’ll get an add-on, like a tint, see if you’re eligible for polycarbonate.

Eye Doctors in Champaign

If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Champaign, IL, who can steer you in the right direction, Champaign Eye Professionals can tell you more about which material will work best for your long-term health. The quality of the lenses you choose can have a lot to do with not just how well you see but also how your eyes fare over time.

Does Lasik Surgery Last Forever?

Lasik may be a non-invasive surgery, but it’s still a major decision to make for the health of your eyes. If you’re wondering how long it lasts, it should come as good news that the procedure typically lasts forever. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule. We’ll look at how the surgery works and what you can expect from the results.

Lasik in a Nutshell

The goal of Lasik is to reshape the cornea, so you’ll be able to see clearly with glasses or contacts. The catch is that your eye can still change after the surgery, which means that if your vision changes, the new shape of the cornea won’t be able to account for those changes.

This is why an ophthalmologist in Champaign, IL will wait until their patients meet certain criteria. As long as they can reasonably predict that your vision won’t drastically change as you age, then you can reasonably predict that the surgery will last.

Average Age of Lasik Surgery Patients

The FDA recommends that no one under the age of 18 should get Lasik surgery. However, most people who get the surgery are much older than that. Usually between 30 – 45, it’s important for an eye doctor to see how your vision performs from year to year.

Eye Doctors in Champaign

If you’re interested in having Lasik in Champaign, IL, Champaign Eye Professionals is here to answer your questions. We offer co-management services, meaning we help you find a surgeon in the area, while helping you with the pre- and post-operative care. If you want to know if you’re a good candidate for the surgery, there’s no harm in finding out more about what the procedure entails and how you can enjoy crisp and clean vision for a lifetime afterwards.

Development of Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious condition that causes eye damage. It can lead to partial or full vision loss, but can be prevented with proper management and early detection by youreye doctor in Champaign, IL . The condition can affect anyone with diabetes.

Development of diabetic retinopathy begins with damage to the tiny blood vessels in the eye, known as microaneurysms. These may leak fluid into the retina. This fluid can then build up, and it can even damage the optic nerve. When this occurs, people with diabetic retinopathy need to see an eye specialist as soon as possible, if they haven’t already.

Surgery May be Needed

Some new blood vessels form in the macula, which is the part of the retina responsible for central vision. The new blood vessels grow and leak easily, which can interfere with the normal flow of fluid out of the eye. If this happens, patients need to undergo surgery to seal these leaks.

Diabetes a Major Factor

Patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy are at high risk for loss of sight. In some cases, this condition can progress to the point where it can cause scar tissue to form on the back of the eye, which can detach the retina.

Risk Factors For Diabetic Retinopathy

Various risk factors are associated with the development of diabetic retinopathy. People with an untreated or unknown condition of diabetes are at higher risk, as are those who have certain genetic predispositions. Those who have suffered with more than 15 years of diabetes are at an even higher risk.

Diabetic retinopathy occurs in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Although there are different treatment options for the disease, the goal is to prevent it from causing any visual impairment. For acomprehensive eye exam in Champaign, IL, where the development of diabetic retinopathy may be detected, please contact our office today.

At Risk for Glaucoma? 3 Things You Should Know About This Disease

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can cause a variety of problems, including vision trouble and blindness. Anyone can get glaucoma, but some people are at particular risk, including people who have glaucoma in their family and people who have diabetes. If you’re at high risk for glaucoma, it’s important to understand the details of this condition and see your eye doctor in Champaign, IL on a regular basis.

1. What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a condition wherein the optic nerve is damaged, usually by excessive pressure in the eye. Over time, this damage can cause vision trouble and even blindness.

2. Can glaucoma be cured?

Glaucoma can’t be cured, but it can be treated to slow the progression of the disease and limit the damage. Once the damage is done, it can’t be undone. Any vision problems that you experience due to glaucoma, including blindness, is permanent.

3. What are the symptoms of glaucoma?

In its early stages, some types of glaucoma have no symptoms at all. However, symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Severe headache
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Colored rings or haloes around lights
  • Nausea
  • Severe eye pain
  • Vomiting

Are you at risk for glaucoma? See your eye doctor.

Since some types of glaucoma have no symptoms in the early stages, it’s important to see your eye doctor on a regular basis. You may not be able to tell if you have glaucoma, but your eye doctor can.

You can protect your vision by getting comprehensive eye exams in Champaign, IL, regularly. Are you due for an eye exam? Call the professionals at Champaign Eye Professionals to make an appointment.