Entries by Dr. Kevin Glancy

If I Have Cataracts, Do I Need Surgery?

Cataracts that are left untreated can cause blindness. In fact, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. If you have cataracts, it’s natural to wonder whether you need cataract surgery to treat your condition. Your eye doctor in Champaign, IL can help you determine whether surgery is necessary, but here’s what you should know about cataracts […]

3 Reasons to Schedule an Annual Eye Exam

If your vision doesn’t noticeably change very often from year to year, you might understandably put off your annual exam. This is likely even more true if you tend to get the same report of clean health every year. However, there are reasons why doctors recommend it at least once a year, and it’s not […]

Where to Get Your Eyeglasses Repaired

A pair of eyeglasses can last for years, but even people who take meticulous care of them will eventually need a repair or two. If you’re wondering where to get your glasses fixed in Champaign, IL, here are a few tips to keep in mind. Experience with Different Frames There have never been more options on […]

How Does a Cataract Evaluation Work?

You have around a 50-50 chance of developing cataracts between the ages of 65 and 74, and the numbers only go up from there. Getting your eyes tested can be a great way to catch the warning signs early so you can prepare. If you’re interested in a cataract evaluation in Champaign, IL, we’ll tell you […]

Why Do I Have Black Spots in My Vision?

Black spots in your vision may be nothing to worry about. Then again, they could be a symptom of more serious medical concerns. The only way to find out for sure is to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor in Champaign, IL. This is the professional who can help you find solutions to those annoying […]

What to Consider When Choosing Glasses

Many people wear their eyeglasses every day, so choosing the right pair is important! Knowing what to consider as you select your eyeglasses can help you pick a pair that you’ll be happy to wear day in and day out until you replace them. It helps to choose an eye doctor in Champaign, IL with a wide […]

Are Colored Contacts Safe?

Colored contacts change the color of your eyes, giving your face an all-new look. Changing your eye color can be exciting, but it’s important to do it safely. Are colored contacts safe? This is a common question that patients ask. Here’s what you need to know before you purchase colored contact lenses. Prescription-Grade Contacts Are […]

Can Cataracts Be Prevented? Tips for Reducing Your Risk

Most people know at least one older person who either has cataracts or who has had cataract surgery. What’s less known is that sometimes cataracts can be prevented. Not everyone gets cataracts when they get older. How can you reduce your risk of developing cataracts in Champaign, IL? Reducing Cataract Risk The risk of developing age-related […]