Entries by Dr. Kevin Glancy

What Are Bifocal Contact Lenses?

You’ve heard of bifocal eyeglasses, but did you know you could get that same supportive technology in contact lenses? Bifocal contacts correct both farsightedness and nearsightedness, so there’s no need for segmented eyeglasses that make you feel older than you are. If your vision is changing as you age, bifocal contact lenses can correct the […]

Two Common Diseases That Impact Vision

Often, vision problems are easy to treat with a routine eye exam and a prescription for corrective lenses. Some situations, however, require a more in-depth approach. This is especially true when a more serious medical condition is the root of the issue and vision loss is only a symptom. This is why it’s so important […]

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Lasik

Your eyesight depends greatly on how accurately your cornea refracts light onto your retina. When the cornea becomes compromised, such as from normal aging or disease, things may go out of focus. Your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, refers to this as a refractive error. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can correct most refractive errors, but Lasik […]

Understanding Your Astigmatism

There’s a lens at the front of each eye that captures and projects light onto the retina. When all is well with this lens — the cornea — you see clearly. Images are in focus both far away and close up, and you have no need for corrective lenses. However, if this lens becomes misshapen, […]

Myopia and Hyperopia Defined  

If you receive a diagnosis of myopia or hyperopia, there’s no cause for alarm. These are simply technical terms for nearsightedness and farsightedness. Both are very common refractive errors that impact how clearly you’re able to see objects far away and close up. Treatments for myopia and hyperopia are simple and noninvasive. Talk with your […]

Prevention and Treatment of Dry Eyes

Dry eye is an irritating condition that happens when your natural tears are no longer able to keep your eyes suitably moist. As a result, eyes feel dry, itchy, and inflamed. Dry eye is often associated with normal aging, which makes it a very common condition. Your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, may recommend a […]

The Impact of Normal Aging on Your Vision

Aging affects your eyes just as it does the rest of your body, and your risks of developing chronic eye conditions go up as you get older. Diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma become more common. This makes regular visits to your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, even more important, so you can benefit from […]

What Can You Learn From Your Annual Eye Exam? 

Annual eye exams are more than just opportunities to renew your eyeglasses prescription. Through regular visits to your vision specialist, you can benefit from early intervention of more serious conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, or cataracts. Often, it’s your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, who’s able to first spot signs of chronic conditions such as […]