Dry Eye: Common Causes & Treatment Options

Dry eye is a common condition that can bring along a whole set of troubling symptoms. This problem occurs when you don’t have a normal amount of tears or your tears dry up too fast. Burning and itching are some of the most common symptoms you may experience.

If you’re suffering from this condition, contact Champaign Eye Professionals today for reliable dry eye treatment in Champaign, IL. We’re here to make a difference in your eye and vision health!

In this post, we’ll discuss the common causes of dry eye, including some treatment options.

How Is Dry Eye Caused?

Several factors can increase your chances of developing dry eye, or make symptoms worse if you already have the condition.

Lifestyle Factors

Those who look at screens for several hours a day are more prone to getting dry eye. Smoking, using contact lenses, and having allergies are some other lifestyle risk factors to consider.

Medical Conditions

Dry eye is also more common in those with certain medical conditions, such as neurological diseases, eye conditions, and autoimmune problems.


If you take certain medications for the following conditions, you’re at a higher risk of developing dry eye:

  • Depression
  • Blood pressure
  • Allergies
  • Glaucoma
  • Menopause
  • Pain

Keep in mind only certain medications can lead to this issue. Talk to your doctor about the specific risks of the medications you’re currently taking.

What Are the Treatment Options for Dry Eye?

There are several environmental and lifestyle changes you can instill to help treat dry eye. You can also find a wide variety of eye drops. For in-office treatments, there’s something called thermal pulsation therapy (Lipiflow®). This process calmly massages and warms your eyelids to help your meibomian glands produce oil.

Another option is intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, which uses pulses of light to melt the thick substances that get in the way of your meibomian glands.

If you’re ready for trusted dry eye care, contact Champaign Eye Professionals to work with the top eye doctor in Champaign, IL!

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