What To Look for in Sunglasses for Eye Health

In a recent blog, we discussed why sunglasses are so important for protecting your eye health. Today, we want to discuss what to look for in a good, protective pair of sunglasses. In addition to looking fabulous, your sunglasses should protect your eyes from damaging UV rays. Here’s how to pick the best shades for your summer eye health:

Always Check the UV Protection

Select sunglasses certified to block 100% of UVA and UVB light from the sun. Some sunglasses have labels that mark “UV absorption” rather than “UV blocking.” In that case, look for labels indicating “UV absorption to 400nm.” Blocking UV radiation from your eyes can prevent damage to your eye lens and cornea, protecting you from many vision-damaging problems like macular degeneration and cataracts.

How Dark is Too Dark?

Just because sunglasses are dark doesn’t always mean they block 100% of the unwanted UV rays. Sometimes, darker glasses can cause extra eye strain because your pupils will dilate too much, causing additional light sensitivity and aggravating circumstances for people who struggle with migraines. Our eye doctor in Champaign, IL says medium-dark sunglasses are sufficient for daily use. Again, the most important thing to look for is UV blocking!

Size Matters

The larger the lens, the more protected your eyes are. Not only do larger lenses block more UV rays, but they can block dust and pollen too, which is great for people with allergies. Wrap-around sunglasses are especially protective.

What About Polarization?

Polarization and UV protection are two totally different things, but you may need both. Polarized lenses are designed to lower excess glare from water, snow, sand, and other bright, reflective surfaces. This is great for activities like boating, fishing, and skiing. That said, polarized glasses are not good for low-light driving or trying to read LCD screens.

Ask Your Optometrist in Champaign, IL

If you have questions about your quest for the perfect pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes this summer, schedule an appointment with us at Champaign Eye Professionals.

Are Itchy Eyes a Symptom of Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears to lubricate the areas that need moisture. Your Champaign, IL eye doctor can diagnose and treat dry eye syndrome, based on your symptoms. One of the most unrecognized symptoms of this condition is itchy eyes. 

Are Your Itchy Eyes Caused by Dry Eye Syndrome?

Even though itchiness is definitely one of the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, there are other reasons why your eyes may be itchy. One of them is allergies. You could be allergic to pollen, grass, or any number of other seasonal allergens. You might also be allergic to some kind of eye makeup that you’re wearing, or the laundry detergent you’re using. Bear in mind that allergies can crop up at any time of life. Even if you weren’t allergic before, you may have developed a new allergy.

Other Symptoms of Dry Eyes

If you do have dry eye syndrome, you’ll have some other symptoms besides itchiness. These include:

  • redness
  • puffy eyes
  • gritty or sandy feeling in the eye
  • blurry vision

You may have other symptoms, too. When you visit your eye doctor, bring a list of all your symptoms. This will help in evaluating whether you have dry eye syndrome or something else, such as an eye infection or eye allergies.

Allergy Symptoms

It’s good to distinguish between allergy-related itching and dry eye syndrome. Allergies typically present with additional symptoms, such as sneezing, a runny nose, and watery eyes.

Contact us today for a dry eye evaluation in Champaign, IL. You’ll find out once and for all if your itchy eyes are caused by this condition. After that, your eye doctor will recommend a treatment plan so you can finally get relief. 



Will Drug Store “Cheaters” Hurt My Eyes?

If you’re having trouble reading a book’s small print, or you have trouble choosing food from a restaurant menu in dim light, can inexpensive “cheaters” solve the problem without harming my eyes?

Champaign Eye Professionals in Champaign, Illinois, recommends that you schedule a thorough examination any time you feel your vision has changed. We can determine whether “readers” will help, or if you need corrective lenses or contacts. The ability to see clearly should always be your goal.

Don’t hesitate to ask us about all available options.

Let a Professional Evaluate Your Vision

Purchasing magnifiers can be beneficial for reading, or for close detailed work like sewing, but only an examination by a trained specialist can detect other eye conditions that can threaten your sight.

Inexpensive magnifiers are not always the best option for the continued health of your eyes. While they do reduce strain to some extent if used for short periods of time, they should not be viewed as a solution to what may be more serious vision defects.

A routine vision check is the best way to ensure that your eyes will serve you well throughout your lifetime. Your eye doctor relies on specialized training and modern technology to analyze your vision and look “inside” your eyes to make certain that the blood vessels, nerves, and tissues are functioning properly.

Schedule Routine Vision Screenings

During a comprehensive exam, your optometrist or ophthalmologist performs several tests to check your vision, assess the health of your eyes, and check for any issues that might signal eye disease. An eye exam can also pinpoint issues that relate to overall health.

Your eye doctor may dilate your eyes, and will routinely use specialized equipment and/or lights. Eye exams should not hurt, but some of the drops and diagnostic procedures may cause slight discomfort.

Protecting Eyes in Summer

Summer is one of the best seasons for sunshine and fresh air. It’s healthy to get outdoors, enjoy exercise and socialize. At the same time, it’s important to protect your eyes from UV rays. UV rays can lead to vision problems, but it’s possible to avoid complications with these simple tips from youreye doctor in Champaign, IL.

Wear a Wide-Brimmed Hat

Something as simple as wearing a wide-brimmed hat can keep the sun from shining directly into your eyes. Experiment with different hats until you find one or two that you feel comfortable with, and that you look good in!

Stay Hydrated

By the time you feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated. Keep a tumbler of fresh water with you while you bicycle, walk, drive, or play sports. Keep sipping all day long so that your whole body stays properly hydrated, including your eyes. Eyes need hydration to keep eyes from drying out and for other functions.

Avoid Chlorine

Swimming pools are a great way to cool off, but chlorine and other pool chemicals can irritate your eyes. Wear swim goggles to protect your eyes from these chemicals, and rinse your eyes with fresh water after swimming to remove any residual chlorine. If you have your own swimming pool, consider a saltwater pool, which uses a lot less chlorine than traditional systems.

Wear Quality Sunglasses

Whenever you’re outside, wear quality sunglasses that are UV-rated to block 100% of UV rays. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. You can getsunglasses in Champaign, IL from your eye doctor’s office.

The other important step in maximizing eye health in summer is to have regular eye exams. Contact us to book your appointment today!